How to create HTML Form??

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<title>Online classes</title>
<body bgcolor="cyan">
<form action="mailto:your hotmail address" method="post">
<h1>Details For Online Classes</h1
<input type=text name=f1 size=20 mmaxlength=25 value=Name>
<input type=text name=f2 size=20 maxength=25 value=E-Mail>
<input type=password name=password maxlength=25 size=20>
<input type=radio name=class value=6th>6th<br>
<input type=radio name=class value=7th>7th<br>
<input type=radio name=class value=8th>8th<br><br>
Remark: <br>
<textarea row=6 cols=50 name=Remark>Enter your remark about online classes
<input type=submit value=send><br>
<input type=reset value=reset>

You Can Make changes in the data entered.
My Youtube video:

Any Query Please Contact To Us:
E-Mail(Pranjal Pandey)


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